Strings and more strings

Nou Single – out now!
Vacarissana Llançament: 20 gener 2023

Click in the photo to watch full Video

Finalment i després de molta feina va arribar el dia del llançament de Vacarissana, nou single de Folk Farmer.

Feia temps que volia fer una cançó que parli de la meva vida a Vacarisses, on visc fa anys i lloc que he après a estimar.

La Vacarissana és una boira que apareix amb els dies freds previs a l’hivern. Als matins hi ha dies en què un té la sensació d’estar submergit en llet, el curiós d’aquest fenomen és que només afecta aquesta zona de la comarca del Vallès Occidental, només cal desplaçar-se uns dos quilòmetres camí cap a Terrassa i en creuar el túnel de Coll Cardús immediatament apareix el sol, és com si Vacarisses estigués en una altra dimensió.

Això al costat dels porcs senglars que passegen per les urbanitzacions, la rara aroma que ve de l’abocador i la imponent muntanya de Montserrat  fan de Vacarisses un lloc molt estrany (almenys per a mi), que ha estimulat la meva imaginació, tal com diu la lletra aquest lloc és la meva petita Shangri -La

Jorge García


Aquest és un avenç del vídeo oficial de la cançó, també a estrenar-se el 20 de gener.

Sometimes you get obsessed with the work, you immerse yourself in the creation of a song, and the video for that song, and for weeks you listen to it hundreds of times carving it like a sculptor. Sometimes you open the door to receive criticism and run away like a wounded cat if you are questioned.
If it were up to me, the oral tradition was enough, therefore, the important thing is to leave a couple of songs that someone, some time, some place could feel the Zeitgeist of our times (or al least my time).
And this is good (or at least it’s fun).

FOLK FARMER en català

Vacarisses Folk Farmer

Finalment el Màster de la meva primera cançó en català és a les meves mans, i estic acabant el Clip.
Single out el 20 de gener.

And what about the new single in English that I have been promising?

Will the single I’ve been announcing ever come out? Well not yet. We have been late with the violins, and we decided to release a song in Catalan in the meantime.
The promised new single in English will be released when we finish the video, early spring.

Filming the video for the new single…

Folk Farmer

What do Appalachia, Asturias and Ireland have in common?



The Horses of the Gods 

Single Out Now!

FOLK FARMER is the personal project of Jorge García where “old time” sounds from Appalachia meet with influences from Irish and Nord Spanish Traditional Music.

The sound of FOLK FARMER is led by strings, J. García plays 5 String Banjo, Irish Bouzouki, Acoustic Guitar and Asturian Bagpipes, to which is added the sound of guest musicians, Fiddle, Accordion, Hurdy-Gurdy.

FOLK FARMER is a farmer of songs, of strange stories that grow in his garden, among crows and owls, in a shed full of rusty tools.

The Horses of the Gods is the first single from an album to be released in 2023